
2020 Talk Schedule: UJ Philosophy

26 Nov 2020 10932

2020 will be remembered as the year of closed campuses, but this doesn’t mean Philosophy got shut down this year. Since the lockdown, UJ moved its schedule of talks and colloquia online, and these were the speakers and topics that were hosted during this time:

19 August: Tunde Bewaji (University of the West Indies)—‘Social Contract, Ubuntu and Omoluabi’

16 September: Phila Msimang (University of Stellenbosch)—‘Four Stories About Race and Population (Abridged Version)’

7 October: Erik J. Olsson (Lund University, Sweden)—‘The 10 Biggest Threats to Academic Freedom: Lessons from Sweden’

21 October: Lewis Gordon (University of Connecticut, USA)—‘A Short Critical Reflection on Critical Race Theory’

30 October: Jonathan Chimakonam (University of Pretoria)—‘Two Concepts of Nkalị’

13 November: African Centre for Epistemology and Philosophy of Science (ACEPS), in collaborations with NMU’s Centre for Philosophy in Africa, held a webinar on the topic: ‘The Future of African Philosophy in a post-pandemic Africa’

19 & 20 November: UJ hosted an online meeting of all the international teams involved in the Geography of Philosophy project. More information here - https://www.geographyofphilosophy.com/